Friday, February 15, 2013

Inspector Gadget

The human body never ceases to amaze me.  I have been in some significant back pain for about a week now.  The pain comes and goes, but when it is present, it is sharp and debilitating.  This pain has kept me out of the gym for fear of making it worse.  Last night, I decided I was tired of not working out.  Pain or no pain, I was going to the gym.  I started with a twenty minute warm up on the elliptical machine.  Feeling good, I moved to the treadmill for two miles.  In slight pain, but not enough to de-motivate my workout, I did some weight machines focusing on my upper body and not so much on my back.  Then to finish my workout, I went to the abdominal room to do my own personal core and abdominal workout.  This workout is not quite as intense as the one previously described, but enough to keep up the sweat.  Oddly enough, I felt better after my hour trip to the gym.  My pain is at a tolerable level today.  Who knew the remedy for back pain was more physical training?

The XO conducted Officer Professional Development (OPD) today on How to Write an Effective Officer Evaluation Report (OER).  This is interesting considering I have an evaluation due on the 22nd of this month.  The XO told us to keep our raters (boss) in check and ensure they stick to the timeline so our evaluations are never late.  He went so far as to say, “Stand on their desks until it is done if you have to.”  After the briefing, I walked up to my boss and said, “Sir, don’t make me stand on your desk, because you know I will.”  He mumbled that he wouldn’t, but I will believe it when my OER is signed and on its way to the Human Resources Command (HRC) for submittal to my records.
Our Legal NCO was talking with me in our MWR room.  He mentioned that I would be working with him soon.  His assistant recently went home to work out some issues and will not be returning, so my immediate response was, “Does that mean I won’t be a Battle Captain anymore?”  The smile on my face increasing ever so slightly as my hopes began to rise.  “No, you will still be doing Battle Captain work,” he replied.  Well, at least it will add some spice to my life working with Legal.  A little change is good in a “Groundhogs Day” environment and I might be privy to some juicy gossip. 
I went back to my office and thought about what he said for a little bit.  The stars aligned and I finally understood what he said.  Angrily, I left my office and headed towards the legal office.  “Am I in charge of a 15-6?”  A 15-6 is an investigation.  He smiled his big dopey smile and I knew that he was working on the paperwork to make me the investigating officer.  I asked him who I would be investigating, he said, “Ma’am, I can’t tell you.”
ME: “What do you mean you can’t tell me?”
LEGAL: “I can’t tell you, but you are going to be working long hours.”
ME: “What?  But I am doing the investigation.  What’s it about?  Wait, what do you mean by ‘long hours’?  I already work long hours.”
LEGAL: “I can’t tell you what it is about, but you are going to have to make phone calls to Fort Benning for parts of this investigation.”
ME: “What? You’re kidding.”
LEGAL: “Nope.  You aren’t happy about this are you?”
ME: “I really want to flip your desk right now.”
LEGAL: “You aren’t strong enough, I saw you in the gym last night.”
ME: “Don’t push it,” I said as I walked out of his office closing the door behind me.
I went back to my office and thought about it for a minute.  It does afford me a good chance to pretend I am an MP again.  I might like it actually, but really, I don’t want to do this!


  1. I HATE having to do things that I don't want to. I have found that it can set me on a life path, that I didn't realize I needed to be on. Laern things and how to do things that LATER on in life were hlepful to me. Glad you didn't try to flip his desk. might have embarrassed you or him. maybe both:)

    As for activity helping pain, I was having a lot of back anbd shoulder pain this week possibly do to 5 min of Rowing machine followed by 5 min of ski machine, and then another 5 min of rowing B4 my trainer appt started. of course she did a LOT of arm work too. Wednesday I did Pilates, and it actually made my shoulders & back feel better.

    I read a lot of blogs, some of which are having, or presently have someone in Aftgan. would you mind if I sent them a link to your blog.

    1. Please please please pass the link for my Blog to any and all who would enjoy, benefit, or find interest in it! Let the word get out that I answer questions too. This blog started as an advice column, but has transitioned to "Life in Afghanistan" Haha, I don't mind, but I am still open to questions!
