Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Cold and Rainy

It is still raining here and it looks like Lake Kandahar is turning into Kandahar Ocean.  I was unable to avoid some big mud puddles today and now look like I am part swamp monster with all the mud on my boots.  It rained all night and was still sprinkling as I walked to work.  My feet are now soaked which will make my day that much better.  Oh, and now the ceiling is dripping water right above my computer.  This is going to be a fun day.

I slept like a rock last night with all that pitter patter on the rooftop.  I slept so hard, in fact, that I almost overslept through my alarm clock.  It took everything in me just to open my eyes and contemplate removing myself from the comfort of my bed.  The new roommate left in quite a hurry on her way back to Germany.  It was kind of a funny situation because one day she was talking about how she had been here for a month, couldn’t wait to get home, and didn’t know when she was leaving.  The very next day she was packing to go back to Germany while arguing to stay for another week.  Long story short, she is gone, thank Jesus! 
My roommate is traveling currently for a conference at a different site.  The day she left I received a phone call that we would have a visitor until Wednesday, possibly two, staying in our room.  The TF 14 MED providers (also known as our Doctors, Surgeons, Psychiatrists, and Trauma Nurses) are four and a half month rotators, meaning they only stay in country for four and a half months before being replaced.  These providers are stopping in KAF prior to heading back to Fort Benning to out-process with the unit, receive their travel orders and their letters of release from theater.  While they are here, they need a place to stay and we are nice enough to share our rooms with them so they don’t have to stay in a big tent with a ton of strangers.  I cleared off the upper bunk bed of the other roommate’s area to make room for the possible second guest.  So far, I only have the one, but she is very tall, very skinny, and very friendly.  She is a general surgeon whose favorite color is pink.  We painted our toenails pink last night with some nail polish my best friend recently sent.  She and her husband are both surgeons and looking forward to returning home together. 

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