Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hail Storm

I went to bed last night to the relaxing sound of rain hitting the aluminum roof of my MOD.  As I was dozing peacefully and right on the verge of deep sleep, the rain became so loud it was deafening.  It was enough to make my new roommate investigate outside.  She returned to report that it was hailing. 

On my way to work this morning, I was stopped by an MP waiting for his buddies to buy coffee prior to their shift.  As I walked past, I heard him say, “Hey, CPT Staun, you look really familiar.  How do I know you?”  I turned around to see a familiar face.  “Oh yea, I know you from Fort Benning, the 988th MP Company!  How have you been?”  We exchanged a quick hug and background information on who we work for now, where we are located in Afghanistan, and an introduction to his buddies around him.  As his First Sergeant passed, taking the group with him, he raised his box of donuts and said, “Don’t stereotype.”  I chucked and informed him that I couldn’t judge because I had been there once.
I had a change of heart about my new roommate last night.  I started thinking about her situation.  She was in a new location with people she didn’t know and she has no idea when she is leaving or where she will be going; home or back to her post in Afghanistan.  I started to feel bad with how my room had been treating her.  I had a good conversation with her and even joined her for lunch.  She is not a bad person and has a lot of experience under her belt that she is more than willing to share for your benefit.
I finally received counseling from my boss.  Counseling in the Army is used to set standards, expectations, and build a bridge of communication.  It is also used to document negative situations and this version of counseling gives all counseling a negative connotation.  My final project in college was to change the face of counseling to rid it of its negativity.  I am happy to report that I received positive feedback from my boss.  I am what right looks like, although he would like to see me increase my level of responsibility.  I challenged him on this statement saying, “Sir, I fail to see how I can step it up in the position in which I currently serve.”  He clarified stating that he wanted me to be more visible.  To which I responded, “Sir, it is hard to be more visible and provide input when you keep everything to yourself.”  He agreed to improve and suggested projects in which he would like me to participate.  It all sounds good, but we will see what happens. 
I had an awkward moment at the dining facility today.  While I was eating with my new roommate an Air Force gentleman turned to me and asked me where I got my drugs.  I thought I misheard him and asked him to repeat himself.  He asked again where I got my drugs.  I was thoroughly confused.  He told me he had pictures of when I was at the Christmas party at the Liberty House.  I told him that was creepy and he further explained that he was the guy with the big camera taking pictures to post on the Kandahar share drive.  He said there was a picture of me at the party looking like I was high.  He said he didn’t post that picture, but wanted to know where I got my drugs from.  I told him not to spread that rumor because I worked with a hospital.  How creepy was that though?

1 comment:

  1. OMG that is really creepy! I hope you get to see the picture!!! and I almost think you ought to report him for soliciting drugs! OMG!
