Friday, December 28, 2012

Frozen Mud Puddles

I finally got the chance to re-organize and clean my area last night after work.  I try to mop on a regular basis to keep the dirt and dust levels down, but when I was cleaning last night, I couldn’t tell!  I removed most everything from my area and invaded both of my roommate’s space.  After sweeping under my bed I found a million dust bunnies, a pair of socks, a tissue, and a few sneezes.  I then mopped everything, reorganized my stuff, and shook my rug out relieving it of dust, dirt, and mud.  I then started  dusting all horizontal surfaces like my nightstand, bunk rails, and window sill.  Feeling better, I sat down to watch the movie “Brave” when my other roommate walked in to gather the things she wanted to take with her to the USO.  She had plans to attend the knot tying class tonight.
“Brave” is a really good movie and I highly recommend seeing it if you haven’t already.  I’m not going to spoil it for you, just tell you to go see it. 
My roommate did not return until late, but luckily she did not adjust the heater.  This morning I asked her how knot tying class was and she replied that the USO was too crowded so she just sat and watched movies instead.  The movie of the night was “The Crow” and she said it was too violent for her, so she ended up falling asleep to it.  That explains why she got in so late and why she didn’t go directly to bed.
I waited for her to leave for work before getting ready to leave myself.  She had more boxes to mail today and I did not want to get caught up in awkward conversation while carrying her boxes to the Post Office.  I made sure to bundle up because I noticed our heater working overtime this morning to keep the room at a moderate temperature, not to mention the biting chill in the hallway leading to the bathroom.  As I was walking to work, I noticed the mud puddles were frozen and I was thankful I bundled up.  I am wearing the thermals my parents sent, the long sleeve silk shirt the Army issued me, gloves, and my Army issued Gortex jacket in addition to my everyday uniform.  I have been comfortably warm all day and I get goosebumps just thinking about how cold I would be without all these layers.  The high for today is 40. 

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