Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Disco Inferno!

Today was a funny day in the S3 shop and this should enlighten you to another aspect of the guys I work with…
We have a new guy in the office and he is unaware of the shenanigans that can occur at the drop of an idea.  Since I moved to the day shift, the shenanigans have exponentially decreased in number.  However, as time continues, and the guys become more comfortable around me, the shenanigans slowly increase but in a safer/more appropriate manner.  For example, prior to my taking over the day shift, they would chug Pop Rocks candy and soda pop which is a horrible combination and apparently makes you feel sick all day.  They would also throw large hard rubber balls at each other, and on one occasion, a Nerf dart suction cup got stuck on someone’s eyeball. 
Today’s activities only involved laughter and harmless fun.  It also served as a lesson to the new guy in that you cannot feed these guys anything that can be construed as a prank.
The new guy randomly asked our movement NCO if he knew how to roller skate.  This seems harmless right?
This simple question caused the boss to turn his iPod to Disco music.  Once the Disco music was sufficiently loud enough he and his NCO began to pretend that they were roller skating throughout the office.  After demonstrating fancy skating, turning circles, speed skating, and backward skating the laughter became explosively loud.  When the laughter from the skating party died down, the skating rink turned into a Disco Inferno Dance Floor with fingers pointing to the ceiling and then to the floor, hips moving back and forth with the music, and awkward dance faces began to appear.  Eventually they started searching for their strobe light.  Yes, apparently we have a strobe light. 
When the night crew arrived to take over, we shared with them the Disco fun we had to which they produced a picture of a man on roller skates with a sweatband around his afro hairstyle in such a pose that he looked like he was dancing to Disco music.  We taped it to his computer monitor.  =)
All this laughter from one single question, “Do you know how to roller skate?”

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