Thursday, November 1, 2012

So, my day went like this…

Since there are no further questions, I will tell you about my day!
I got off work around 7am, the usual time.  My NCO and I usually walk back together because we live in the same camp and I have found that if we do not do things together, he will skip them altogether.  For example, when I have to miss a trip to the dining facility due to a rather unimportant meeting, he just doesn’t eat.  The last time I left him to walk back alone (because he was taking FOREVER) he ended up staying at work until noon instead of going to bed. 
As we are leaving, he picks up the bag of trash from our night shift and tells me he has to exit out the back to throw the trash in the dumpster.  I make him aware that I will wait for him out front so he knows I am walking back with him to ensure he gets some rest before our next shift.  I head out the front door, watching that he is heading for the back door before I exit.  I wait five minutes.  No sign of him.  I start to walk around the building towards the dumpsters and I still don’t see him.  At this point, I am tired and starting to get frustrated.  How do you disappear in five minutes?  Ok, I know there are a lot of answers to this question, I was young once too.  But, seriously, I told him I would be waiting for him and he is clearly not at the dumpsters as promised.  I gave him the benefit of the doubt and thought maybe he walked back through the building after depositing the trash in the receptacle.  I ran through it in my mind.  It still shouldn’t take this long.  I start my journey back to my room alone only to turn around two minutes later and see him not too far behind me.
My curiosity outweighing my frustration at this point, I wait for him to catch up.  He tells me that he was hovering at the back door because the Executive Officer (XO) of our battalion was standing in sight of the rear egress.  The XO has deemed the back door off limits because he is that guy.  If the dumpster is in the back, you can only use the front door, and I am sure if the dumpster was in the front, we would only be allowed to use the back door.  I have searched for a reason as to why this exit would be off limits, and nothing that makes sense comes to mind.  I often wonder if he just sits in his office all day long planning on new ways to make our lives miserable. 
So, my NCO deemed it easier to wait for the XO to clear out rather than walk out the front door with the trash and walk around the building to the dumpster.  Oh, by the way, there are more dumpsters along our walk back and not too far from where we work. 
I get back to my room to find my roommates are still cozy in bed, so I quickly and quietly prepare myself for snuggling with the Avengers.   I finally get under my covers, when one of my roommates gets up and leaves for the bathroom.  Cool, it is still quiet in the room and my eyes close in preparation for some hard earned sleep.  About a minute later, an alarm starts going off and I realize my other roommate is awake.  When my roommates are awake, there is no stopping their conversations and there is no volume control.  The lights come on and I decide my only option is to join them.  I sat up, grabbed my Holocaust book and began to read until they left for work.  I won’t even begin to tell you about my dreams.
Send your questions! =)


  1. Question: what were your dreams that night?? I had some crazy dreams the other night. In one, I was at a party for this girl, who I've met a handful of times and when I showed up she didn't recognize me. I gt pissed, but then learned she had amnesia. Then I met up with some people and we were trying to sneak out of te party, but like hardcore sneak, like repel off the roof of the building. Weird! (Sorry, I know no one actually asked about my dream, lol)
