Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Political Word Vomit

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to make a political statement in my blog or not.  
I am not going to, but I would like to point out some things that tie into my blog about fear. 
This election has triggered numerous reactions to the fear of the unknown. 
Prior to Election Day, various people were making ridiculous statements via the news, social media, television ads, and protests claiming that the world would end, they would shave their head, or old people would die if their favored politician was not elected.  Sounds absurd in this context, but I am sure you witnessed it as well.  I know Ohio is probably suffering from political campaign Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) right now due to the amount of campaigning occurring throughout the state. 
On Election Day, I saw stories about the Black Panthers “guarding” voting facilities in Pennsylvania, automated voting machines changing votes due to poor calibration, people getting arrested for attempting to vote multiple times, and theories of how the polls were rigged and votes didn’t matter.  It makes me sad to live in a world where people are abusing the rights and freedoms of which my comrades and I defend.  I shouldn’t be too disappointed though because that is also a freedom we defend; the freedom to choose between right and wrong. 
Now that the elections are over, drastic negative comments about what is going to happen to our country (because their favored politician was not elected) are coming out through various social networks while the media tries to put a positive spin on the story (depending on what station you are watching that is), stating that the economy is going to improve due to the absence of uncertainty in the future leadership of the country.  I watch the highly happy, regulated network that is provided by the Air Force, so the only difference I see is the lack of ads to vote because it is a “freedom you defend”.  As I see it, Ohio can now recover from their PTSD and the East Coast can focus on rebuilding their lives and homes once again. 
These reactions and comments stem from people’s fear of the unknown and having access to an audience thanks to the existence of social media.  No one knows for sure what the future holds no matter who is in the White House.  What we do know is that the sun will rise tomorrow, I will continue to work the night shift, and undoubtedly someone will be working loudly in my housing unit while I attempt to sleep. 

1 comment:

  1. I think you need one of those inflatable potties that are designed to minimize bathroom breaks on long car trips.
