Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Dragon Please

I couldn’t sleep today.  Something about being too tired and having a lot on my mind was keeping me awake.  I decided to catch up on my movie watching.  I am very well known for being that person who says, “I’ve never seen that movie,” anytime anyone mentions or quotes a movie.  My mood is sensitive right now, and I am tired of crying, so I chose a movie that sounded light-hearted, “How to Train Your Dragon.”  It is a cute movie with the voices of Gerard Butler, Craig Ferguson, and Jonah Hill.  It was not a sad movie and the Night Fury dragon was really cute.  I almost called the wealthy man I have yet to meet to ask for a dragon, but then I remembered that I don’t like falling from heights or putting myself in situations that have the potential for me to fall from heights and therefore concluded that it was for the best that I do not have a dragon.
Still not tired after that movie, and seeing that I still had more than half the battery power remaining on my Netbook, I started watching “Dear John.”  I know that movie was known to be a tear jerker, but I honestly did not find it too terribly sad.  His experiences were rough, but he knew how to continue living and never gave up.  I do not want to spoil the movie for you, but I found sweet justice in his ability to force the Dear John letter writer to give him an answer to his question of “Why” and admired his strength to say good bye to her. 
Still awake, I started the movie, “Get Him to the Greek.”  I fell asleep during this movie, so I can’t tell you if I liked it or not.  The fact that I fell asleep may tell you something, but then again I had been up for about 20 hours at this point.
As I predicted, when my alarm went off, I didn’t want to get up and my face felt swollen.  Ok, I didn’t predict the face swelling, but what do you honestly expect when you have cried so much?  After a hot shower, I was back in my routine and off to work.  Tonight has been a busy night, regrettably, I cannot indulge you with tonight’s activities, but it has snapped me out of my fog and back into reality.


  1. I love the How to Train your Dragon movie. Do you guys have a collection of movies over there that you can watch?

  2. I brought over an external hard drive and had a buddy fill it with movies
