Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Energy Vampires!

One of my many bosses shared an article with us for optional professional development.  Meaning, he found an article he thought interesting and emailed it to all the officers he oversees.  Sometimes I read them and other times, I do not.  Today, I decided I was bored enough to open the article and read it. 
The article was actually very interesting.  It talked about energy vampires (EV), or people who are so negative, they drain the energy out of you and/or the room.  If you are anything like me, you are currently thinking of all the people you suspect are EV’s. 
This article details how to change EV’s from Negative Nancy’s to Positive Peggy’s.  If this change cannot occur, then the EV might leave the situation, the room, or even the job.  This is all good though because no one wants someone around that is dragging down the team. 
An EV may not know he is an EV.  Remember, Energy Vampires cannot see their own reflection.  If you choose to assist an EV, because he/she is a friend or co-worker, with advice and positivity, tread cautiously and show that you care.  If you do not want to deal with an EV, just run away.  If an excuse is necessary, I think you left something in the oven, your mom is on the phone, or you are late for a very important date.
The key to all this is to remain positive around an EV.  No one wants to be a Debby Downer and there is likely a reason behind the negativity.  Welcome the EV into your happy environment, encourage conversation, and show understanding. 
Our First Sergeant took this to heart and put a sign on his door that says, “Energy Vampires Welcome.”                
Another approach is at the cultural level, meaning, create an environment that encourages positivity.  There was a football coach that took this approach.  He painted a wall with a picture of an EV and captioned it, “Energy Vampires.”  When a player was categorized as an EV during practice, his picture would appear on the wall.  No player wanted his picture on the wall, so it motivated the players to remain positive.
A third approach is to create such a positive working environment that EV’s feel uncomfortable being negative and they will either transform or leave.  I like this approach.  I may not be in a leadership position, but I can create a positive environment.  The rule for this approach is, “Your positive energy must be greater than all the negativity.”  Challenge accepted.

1 comment:

  1. I have really been enjoying your blog posts! specially this one. It is really hard to not be drained by an EV! I may steal some of the things you wrote. they are good phrases.
