Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

It has been an unusual day for sure!  It started out with a strange battle with the treadmill at the gym.  I warmed up at a slow pace for five minutes trying to work out a strange cramp in my shin.  I was unsuccessful so I just went faster...and then faster…and then a little faster.  After twenty minutes of this, my left leg from hip to shin was in so much pain, I had to hit the cool down button.  I conducted the entire cool down and came to a stop.  My leg no longer hurting, and me not feeling like I got a decent workout in, decided to try again.  Same style workout only this time, I was able to run for twenty minutes straight without pain.  It doesn’t make sense to me either, but I got four miles in today!
As I headed back to my room, I decided to do laundry.  I fell a lot last night, and falling on our plywood floors is like falling into a large freshly swept pile of dirt.  Why was I falling a lot?  I am clumsy and I am wearing in a new pair of boots that seem quite stiff and clunky.  Our Multi-Cam uniforms act like Swiffer sweeper clothes and attract/collect all the dirt/dust.  It makes for a clean floor, but doesn’t do the uniform justice.  It kind of reminds me of those baby mop outfits, but for grownups and cooler looking. 
The showers were crowded with people who work during the day, so I decided to do my laundry first.  In the laundry facility, I ran into a guy who was washing either everything he owned or everyone’s laundry that resided in his building.  Much to say, he was using almost every machine in the facility.  That was fine with me though, because every time I needed a machine, he was done with one, and held it for me to use.  Crazy how perfect that worked out!
Two hours later, my clothes are clean and it is time for a shower!  I am horribly gross from my workout and looking forward to a nice hot shower followed by some rack time.  Fully prepared for my de-nastifying, I pull the knob to turn on the shower.  As I race to pull my hand back so as not to get my robe sleeve wet, I notice there is no water.  I try all the showers with no success.  I try the sinks and there is nothing.  I look at the toilets, but figure it is pointless because it isn’t like I am going to bathe in a toilet.  Disappointed and still gross, I head back to my room.  I put on my sweatpants, long sleeve PT shirt, socks, and my issued fleece cap because I do not want my nastiness touching anything.
 I decided to continue schooling myself in the world of movies.  I turn on my computer and click on “The Expendables 2.”  This movie is rather entertaining.  It seems like a bunch of old actor bad-asses got together and had an enjoyable time making fun of their past movie characters while producing a film that is comprehensible and action packed.  Even Chuck Norris was there playing off on his own jokes.  If you like puns and insane combat action, you will like this movie.
After being fully entertained with this movie, I tried the showers again.  There is still no water.  I start frantically looking for signs.  There is no sign about a water outage.  When is this going to end?  I direct my anger towards my favorite German woman and wonder if this is going to last until after I leave for work, similar to the last time the bathroom was closed due to horrible painting in progress.  Thankfully, she is nowhere in sight.  I head back to my room reminding myself there are still six hours until I had to get ready for work. 
I decide to try my best at taking a nap.  Still bundled up to keep my nastiness to myself, I lay a towel on my pillow, I throw my robe on top of me, and I try to sleep.  Two hours later, it is 2pm and I can’t sleep because I am still nasty! I walk to the bathroom in my fuzzy bear feet and test the water…IT WORKS!!! Haha! I do a little skip back to my room and prepare to make myself presentable to the world once again. 
Best shower ever and I am so grateful for it!

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