Thursday, November 29, 2012

Seeking Education

Today is one of those days where I had to look down to make sure I remembered to put on my pants while I was walking to work.  I am tired, in need of a day off, and some night time sleep!  Thank goodness this is my last night shift until further notice!  That is correct, I am moving to day shift.  No more interrupted sleep by useless construction projects, rude neighbors, or phone calls from work!  How exciting!  The only downfall to this switch is that I will be working with the XO more, but I think I am wearing him down and that he finally thinks of me as a person.  When he comes in for his coffee in the morning, we actually engage in conversation!  This is a big step for someone who avoided me at all costs and yelled at me during any interaction.  Other downfalls of day shift are less time for personal matters and when the time comes to switch back to night shift, a 24 hour shift. 
Last night, while I had copious amounts of downtime, I was studying to take the GRE.  I realized that studying for the GRE is like a slap in the face education style.  I don’t think my inadequacies are a fault of mine but rather a lack of education.  Odd coming from a college graduate of a highly accredited college (Forbes ranked it the #1 college in the USA in 2009, the year I graduated), so the real reason must be with the standardized test system. 
I have always hated standardized tests.  It seems like a big game of memorize as much as you can to brain dump it later.  Perhaps if we used the vocabulary and math skills tested on a regular basis, the test would seem more relevant.  However, the material tested is not used in the workplace, in society, or in whatever graduate class for which you want to enroll.  Now that I successfully feel inadequate with what education I retained, I have decided to start using the vocabulary exercised in this test on a daily basis.  I have yet to figure out how to integrate the math section in my everyday life, but when I do…beware!
What has summoned this salient verdict to study for the Graduate Record Examination?  The benevolent XO importuned this opportunistic time and I could not repudiate.  Why adulterate my next unit with my obsolete education? 
These blogs are going to be diminutive if I continue this tendency. 

1 comment:

  1. Girl I so agree w you. I stopped trying to get into a MSN (masters of Nursing) BC of the GRE. I took a prep class ($300) to help me w the math, my worst subject. I was told by the instructor that the areas i was having the most problem w I needed to take Algrebra 101. COME ON! I was not up to that.So instead I droped out.

    Really that was not necessary. I have found that it doesn't mean that you won't get admitted to the MS programs, just bc your grade might not be as high as someone elses.... they still will take you into the program.

    Do I have regets? maybe I would still be working, maybe I'm better off doing what I'm doing now. Quilting, hanging out, writing responses to blogs....
