Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  My new year started without sleep.  My other roommate decided to go out and celebrate the New Year, which is good for her, but when she came back she made so much noise.  I am about to buy her a fan so she will stop pushing buttons on the climate control in the middle of the night.  I am about to cut the cord and suffer freezing temperatures just to get a good night of sleep.  I asked my roommate if she heard our other roommate come in last night, but of course she did not.  The NyQuil she took to fight her cold knocked her out to the point she was unaware of our other roommates late night activities.  I need to start taking my Sleep Aid again.
My other roommate arrived back to the room around 130am, turned out her light around 3am, then her alarm went off at 520am, followed by another alarm at 540am.  That is when I had enough and started getting ready for the day.  I turned my light on, made noise, dropped things, jumped on me bed, anything I could think of to interrupt her dreams.  Nothing worked and she continued to softly snore through all my efforts to show her how frustrating it is to be awakened by a roommate when you are so incredibly tired and trying to sleep. 
Shortly thereafter, I left for church.  I got to church about a half an hour early because I needed to meditate on my roommate situation.  It helped.  I am much calmer now, and I was pleasantly surprised when an LT that I work with arrived to church and sat next to me.  We went to breakfast together and enjoyed omelets, conversation, and laughter.  We were in no rush and it felt good to socialize.  We walked to work together where I realized not only was I early but I had nothing significant to do today. 
The office started with a huddle.  This was our first office meeting since we deployed.  Its purpose was to get everyone on the same page and to see what we were working on today.  Since I had nothing to do, I got tasked with putting together a power point presentation for the COL.  Yay!  So here I sit waiting for units to turn in their appropriate slides.  It could be worse.
The sun is out today and it is a warm 44 degrees outside.  It is a nice day for a nap if you ask me =)

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