Saturday, January 12, 2013

Simply Amazing

I have decided to make every day here an adventure and not put so much emphasis on making friends or hanging out with others.  I am finding that when I do my own thing, others tend to follow.  Since I declared my independence from everyone, I find myself surrounded by people.  Previously, I was always looking for someone to join me in activities and everyone provided me with more excuses than I cared to record, although some of them were quite amusing and worthy of recording. 
I have also begun to advocate for others who do things by themselves.  I make the extra effort to include them.  For example, I went to breakfast with my roommate this morning.  An omelet sounded really good and I was almost dressed anyway when she announced she was going to eat.  When we got to the dining facility, she picked up her boiled eggs, oatmeal, and plums while I waited in line for an omelet.  I took note of which side of the dining facility she chose to sit so I could catch up with her when my omelet was ready.  As I was walking in the direction she traveled, I noticed an LT from our unit sitting by himself.  I did not want to walk by him like I did not care, so I stopped and let him know that I was going to find my roommate and we would join him for breakfast. 
As I located my roommate, I saw she was eating with a member of one of our Preventive Medicine unit’s Soldiers.  Knowing it would be too much effort to move two individuals, I decided to move the LT.  I told my roommate that I was going to ask if the LT would join us.  We all get along, so she agreed enthusiastically.  I don’t know what exactly went through my mind in the next few moments, but I found myself grabbing the LT’s tray from under him and saying, “Just kidding, you are joining us” as I walked off with his tray.  He followed, not that he had a choice and sat where I placed his tray. 
My roommate and the other Soldier laughed when we arrived, me with his tray and him in tow.  They teased him that he really didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.  We all enjoyed our breakfast though and walked to work together.  Work was a confused storm when I arrived, but I enjoy being the one to fix everything, and that was what I did.  No one noticed I was at work early (which is a good thing), and twenty minutes later, the meeting was properly setup, the confusion was dispersed, and the new LT was ready to brief.
I am finding I have a lot more energy these days.  It all started when my other roommate decided to travel the country and close the post office for a while.  My roommate and I were knocked out by 9 last night and slept until 7am; simply amazing. 

1 comment:

  1. That's a good way to approach it, I think! Do what you want to do and enjoy it. When others see how much of a good time you are having, they will likely join. If they don' least you are still doing what you want to do.

    Hilarious about snatching that tray from the LT :)
