Thursday, January 10, 2013

Flush It!

I spent yesterday fixing problems and putting together reports from 16 different units.  That is correct, we picked up an additional four units because another Task Force was apparently overloaded.  That Task Force is now down to two units not counting their headquarters company.  We are ok with this decision, it makes us look good and we can handle it because we are organized and we know what we are doing.  At least we look like we know what we are doing.  I also picked up a new nickname.
At our location, we have the luxury of indoor plumbing.  We like this indoor plumbing, especially now that it is cold outside.   In order to have indoor plumbing, we have an enormous water jug outside our building.  This water jug is filled by a water truck every morning and every night.  If we run out of water, we have wonderful port-o-potties outside.  It is on rare occasion that we run out of water, but lately it has been happening more often.  Initially, we ran out of water because a toilet in the men’s room was broken and continuously running.  We got the toilet fixed and the problem was resolved.  Then we had a toilet break in the ladies room, or so we thought.  We called the plumber who stopped by and told us he fixed it as he was leaving.  I was quick to notice he lied.  Whenever I went to the bathroom, I always found this toilet running.  I started to make observations and checking the toilet periodically throughout the day, mainly because it is my favorite one to use and I don’t like port-o-potties, but that story is for another blog.    The handle was always stuck in the down position which meant the flap covering the hole at the bottom of the toilet tank was left open.  A simple push up on the handle, the flap would seal, and the toilet tank would fill up and stop running.  It is a very simple solution and one would think any simple person would be able to figure this out.  One evening, I walked in to find we had run out of water.  I checked my favorite toilet to see if it was the culprit.  Thanks to working with Dad, I was not scared to take off the tank cover and take a gander.  The flap was being held open by the float.  I had never seen this before.  I fixed it and then I reported it to the 1SG who said he would have it fixed, but there was nothing to fix in my opinion.  Therefore, I took matters into my own hands and created signs explaining how to use the toilet.  So far, my signs have worked and I haven’t entered the bathroom to hear my toilet running in over a day, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that this solution keeps working!
As I was leaving work last night, my other roommate stopped by and asked if I would like to walk with her to the Chapel Ministry Center.  We all remember how that turned out the last time I walked with her.  I didn’t want to tell her no, but I had an excuse in my pocket.  My replacement had not yet arrived, so I told her I could not walk with her.  She told me what route she was taking and was off.  The new LT and I made arrangements to switch shifts for a day so he could sleep in and we could break the monotony of this place.  I was thankful that my roommate was already in bed when I arrived.  I quietly changed, checked my iPad, and went to bed.  0430 comes awfully quick when you get home at 830pm and I knew since my other roommate was not yet back, I would have a midnight wake-up surprise. 
As I woke up to my alarm, I was astonished to find I had slept through the night.  I was excited and confused all at the same time.  How could this be that my other roommate did not wake me up in the middle of the night as she entered the room?  Did she come home last night?  Well, I can’t shine a light in her eyes to see if she is there, can I?  Shrugging it off, I got ready for the day, bundled up to fight the cold, and was off to work.  As I was crossing the street close to the building in which I work, I crossed paths with my other roommate.  We exchanged a quick hello as we passed and that is when I had to take a double take.  Had my other roommate been out all night?  What if she had been lying in a ditch dead somewhere?  When would someone have noticed her missing?  Is that why I slept through the night?  What was she possibly doing that had taken all night?  Let’s not even mention the fact that she is flying out this morning to visit her nurses in other parts of the country.  When was she planning on packing?  She has to be at the airport at 7am and it was 6am when we passed.  Oh well, at least I got a good night of sleep!
My new nickname is pending approval of all members within the office.  “Bulldog” is what they want to call me.  I find amusement throughout the day by yelling at co-workers who leave doors open and enter offices as if they own them as they stop by for information.  Let’s get this straight, we have an access roster for our office because we have a lot of secret information posted on our walls and we become very busy in here at the drop of a dime, so we can’t have too many unnecessary visitors in here at any given time.  We have a half door so that people can get the information they need from the door.  A lot of Soldiers took to the habit of reaching over the half door to let themselves in and walk through the office to say hello to a friend or walk right up to our boss and ask him the stupidest question ever.  “Do you have tape” is a good example of something they would ask him when there are four desks, and people filling those desks, in front of him with tape sitting in plain sight.  I have now taken the responsibility of keeping pesky visitors out.  The Soldiers and I have come to such an understanding that they approach the door and stop, even if it is open, because they do not want to be harassed by me.  I am glad we all came to an understanding in proper access roster procedures, but really “Bulldog” as a nickname?  We can do better.
Speaking of bulldogs, I found a French Bulldog that I really like and want, not just for his looks but his personality as well (read the description from his foster mom).  I only hope he is still available when I return.  If you are truly interested to see the little guy, go to, click on available dogs, and look for Gimbal.  In my eyes, he is perfect!  What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. So now you are Bulldog Mama Turtle? Make sure they at the Turtle if they start making it an Acronym! We don't want you to be knowm as BM... But BMT might not be so degrading!
