Friday, January 4, 2013


Mission fail: the post office was open until 2am.  I do not know where she conjures all this energy.  She had a late night of working, PT at 6am, a full day of work, and still she manages to pack boxes for mailing until 2am!
I have had quite an amazing day though all things considered.  I stayed in bed until about 830am.  I did have plans to get to the gym at 730am, but they fell through as my want to stay in bed outweighed my want to run on a treadmill.  I left for work early because my other roommate was prancing around the room in her granny panties and bra packing her post office boxes and doing God only knows what else.  I figured leaving the situation would be more effective in the long run than gouging out my eyeballs. 
I got to work in time to hear the Deputy Chief of Operations (DCO) asking my boss to make a commercial for AFN regarding “suicide prevention”.  My boss and his NCO have focused their attention wholeheartedly towards this project.  They want it to be funny but serious while incorporating their tiny plastic combat helmets they ordered from an online toy store and modified to look like something out of an old WWII movie.  I feel like making a sign for the office door announcing that nothing will happen today because we are playing Hollywood.  At least they are putting their debauchery to good use and leaving me out of it. 
After two cups of coffee and a cup of tea with honey, I was ready for anything.  That is until it was discovered that the night shift crew busted the monitor to one of our laptop computers.  How did they break the monitor to a laptop?  Playing their stupid games.  Seriously, they were throwing rubber bouncy balls at each other and hit the monitor so hard it busted.  To avoid a statement of charges, they told everyone that the computer somehow fell on the floor.  To which the question was asked, “So how did this perfectly round cracked dent get there?”  Unfortunately, everyone in the building knows how much this office plays and how they play.  How do they play?  They have a game called “Ball Attack” where everyone in the office grabs a handful of multiple sizes of rubber bouncy balls, dons eye protection, and throws the handful of balls at a wall.  The balls bounce, hit people, and make a lot of noise.  Yes, we run the Task Force.  Because of the knowledge of this game, a statement of charges was created and the replacement monitor is going to be paid for out of pocket.  And my office wonders why I never play their games.
I think we are about to start a television show starring our new LT called “Extreme Makeover, Office Edition” because he is now renovating the office connected to my office.  He is adding shelves, organizing, and cleaning while the NCO who runs the office is out traveling.  The door is closed, all we can hear is the pounding of a hammer, and all we can see is the materials going in and out.  The big reveal will be when the NCO returns and unlocks her office for the first time.   How exciting!
Somehow I have just been volunteered to be in this commercial.  How do these things happen to me?  All I suggested was that they have a female role in their male dominated commercial.  An EO representative was going to say it if I didn’t and now I have a role in this suicide prevention commercial.  I thought I left my acting days back in high school. 

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