Monday, January 14, 2013


I am feeling so much better today!!  Thank God this was just a small squishable bug!  I have heard many people expressing concerns about the flu, especially since it is so widespread in the States.  No worries, we only have four confirmed cases of the flu over here, and it is not where I am located.  One Soldier deployed with the illness and three others caught it from him.  Hopefully they keep it contained! 
I snuggled up to the movie “The Amazing Spiderman” last night.  Don’t ask me what it was about because I kept falling asleep to sporadically wake up, realize I had missed a chunk of the movie, rewind it to the last spot I remember seeing, to fall asleep about five minutes later.  This continued until I woke up to find the credits rolling.  I gave in, put my computer away, and knocked out until 830 this morning! 
Thanks to my efforts, we now have new showerheads in our bathroom!  They are nice too!  They provide great water pressure, are rust free, and have a wider spray.  Crazy what you can accomplish when you have the guts to ask.  Oh, our drains are no longer clogged as well.  Yup, no more foot baths while showering.  It was funny to hear the stories my roommate told when she returned from the shower though.  She would stand on the raised edges of the shower stall to avoid the foot bath and then tell me about it.  If she dropped something in the water, she accepted the loss and would go buy a new whatever it was and we would laugh about it later.  Glad I could fix that problem for her.
Work today has been quiet.  I am done with all my “work” for today and am just sitting around waiting to react to something if it should arise.  A very interesting job, I know.  I am planning on going to the gym later tonight and hoping someone confronts me about my hair.  I have it in a loose bun today knowing it will fall down as soon as I hop on the treadmill. 
Upon further review, the movie “The Amazing Spiderman” is highly recommended.  A new twist on an old story and a fantastic fit for the character of Spiderman makes this movie, in my opinion, the best Spiderman movie available for viewing. 

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