Sunday, January 27, 2013

Blue Screen

It was another early day at work today.   I think the new LT needed some rest and I don’t mind coming in early.  It is nice and quiet.  After two cups of coffee, a cup of tea, and three computer systems crashes later, I turned my focus to the TV.  It is on the movie channel but instead of a movie, we are following a Cheetah with her five cubs and an injured lioness with her pride.  The office door is closed today because there are construction workers working in the hallway outside our office.  We have so much secret stuff in here that they are unauthorized to see.  Instead of covering it all up, we just closed the door.  Now all we have to do is advertise the door code so we can stop getting up every five minutes to open the door.   I am starting to enjoy listening to people attempt to enter the office by putting in the incorrect code, twisting the door knob and nothing happening.  It is a game right now to see how long they will stand there and how many tries they will attempt before knocking. 
When I say my computer crashed, I mean it shut itself down.  When my work computer feels it is working too hard, it flashes a blue screen with a rather quick countdown, and restarts.  It is rather annoying especially if I am working on something.  This morning, the computer thought Facebook was too much to handle.  After three blue screens of death, as we call it, I became very agitated and just shut the whole computer off for about an hour.  It seems to be working now, but I haven’t checked my Facebook in a while. 
Because I started working so early today, I get to leave early as well.  Sunday’s are low manning days so we arranged our schedules in a way that only has us working for eight hours.  What am I going to do with all this spare time?  I think I am going to grab a pizza and head back to the room to watch movies and get some laundry done.   

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