Thursday, January 24, 2013


Today started out with PT at 6am.  It was meant to be a CrossFit workout, but it ended up being a lot of squats.  Not that there is anything wrong with squats, but my legs feel like Jell-O now.   At one station we did squats.  At the next station we did burpees.  A burpee is executed by dropping to the ground, doing a push-up, and jumping as high as you can, arms reaching for the sky.  The next station was squats with a medicine ball.  The last station was jumping up onto a platform that was about two feet high.  After five rounds of these stations, everyone was feeling wobbly and it was obvious. 
My roommate and I went to breakfast together prior to walking to work.  On our way to work, we noticed an ambulance taking off at a high rate of speed.  We didn’t think anything of it, which is odd considering where we are located.  I dropped my roommate off at work and I continued on to the Hospital because I was due for a shot.  While I was there I discovered that one of our Soldiers had passed out on her walk to work and was ambulanced to the Hospital where she was receiving treatment.  That explains the ambulance. 
I have noticed that every time I enter the Hospital I have a different experience.  The last time I went in for a shot, I went in, received the shot, and left.  This time, I traded my ID card for a visitors pass prior to entering.  I then rendered my firearm to a nice Navy Soldier at the entrance.  I was greeted upon entering the hospital and was asked what I needed, directed to the appropriate desk, and asked to wear my visitors pass for all to see.  At the desk, I was told to fill out paperwork.  I was starting to feel like I was in the States again.  A Corpsman took me to the patient area, took my vitals, and a doctor returned fifteen minutes later asking me to pee in a cup.  An hour passed by between my entrance and exit from the hospital.  I wonder why my last visit only took fifteen minutes. 
Work today has been quiet.  I am ahead of my work schedule, so I was able to take a long lunch.  The weather has been so nice lately that it was a pleasure walking outside in the sunshine. 

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