Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sick Day

I am not feeling so good today.  It started last night with a slight fever and a headache.  I took some Advil, some cold medicine, and a sleep aid.  I didn’t get out of bed this morning until 845 when my roommate asked if I was going to work today.  I don’t have to go in until ten, so I wasn’t sure why she was waking me up at 845.  Oh well, good roommates look out for each other and that was all she was trying to do. 
I am at work now drowning myself in tea with honey.  My head feels out of it, so today has been a blur.  “Ferris Buellers Day Off” is on TV, so everyone here is distracted and not focused on the dozing sick girl.  All I really want to do is curl up in some blankets and go to sleep.  A friend of mine, in conjunction with her son’s first grade class, sent two boxes of hygiene and illness related items, so we are good on cold medicine, ibuprofen, and cough drops.  I will be back to myself in no time at all, so no worries. 
Members of my office went to the junk yard today.  It is a place where units drop off items they no longer need or use to be redistributed to authorized “pickers” from other units.  They were thinking of me today as they picked through all the abandoned items.  They brought back a bunch of glow sticks or Chem-lights as we call them, a pull down projector screen, rubber gloves, bleach, and shower curtains.  I was delighted when they handed me three shower curtains they picked just for me.  Not that I needed shower curtains, but I now have green, pink, and lavender shower curtains.  I can’t wait to add color to our bathroom!  They each came with curtain rings too! 
My other roommate returned from her trip today, but she is leaving again as soon as possible.  She and I sat down and had a talk about her late night outings and how worried my roommate and I were for her safety.  She took to it well and promised to call next time.  She appreciates our concern and will be better in her efforts to assure us she is safe.  She also mentioned that she does not want rank to interfere with our roommate situations.  This is great progress.  We are now free to express roommate concerns without her whipping out her rank, although I couldn’t see her doing it in the first place, it was definitely an anxiety brought up by my roommate. 

1 comment:

  1. So many things in this post!
    Glad your roomie is willing to check in. Hopefully she will also go to bed earlier.
    I'm thrilled about your shower curtains.
    Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. The flu is supposedly making a widespread path through the US right now, but it hasn't hit here according to people I know..though the news says it has.
    Feel better soon!!
