Sunday, March 24, 2013

Women's History Month

I arrived at work yesterday to find a bag of trash in the middle of the female’s bathroom floor.  It was neatly bundled with a sign lying on top of it stating, “This is what happens when you don’t clean on your day.”  I shook my head.  Someone took the time to bundle up the trash quite nicely, search for a piece of paper, a sharpie, to write a nice little note, all in the time it could have taken to simply take it out.  Instead of taking out the cute little bundle, I instead added to the note stating, “And obviously this sign took care of the issue…One Team!”  I know this didn’t solve the issue either, but hopefully it gave someone a chuckle.

We celebrated Women’s History month yesterday.  The 1st Sergeant lined all the ladies up in the hallway, thanked us for our service and for being female, and handed us a framed picture of Afghanistan with photos of all the females in our unit surrounding the country.  It was a sweet gesture.  When we were asked for a speech, I took the opportunity to thank my mother, father, and God for making me a female.  I think this is the first and only time I will ever speak those words, LOL! 
Breakfast this morning was peanut butter French toast.  A delicious combination I originally discovered in college while sitting with the football players.  I went for a good run yesterday, outdoors and not on a treadmill, (2.3 miles in 20 mins), so my muscles were screaming for some type of protein.  Peanut butter it was!  Pay no attention to the donuts on my plate, they are just there for decoration…until you aren’t looking and then they will mysteriously disappear.


1 comment:

  1. Thought you had stopped posting! love the Peanutbutter french toast for Protien. and the salute to the Females in the Army!
