Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I realized in my office yesterday that I am not the problem.  While the boss was away at some meeting, the entire office was laughing and having a good time.  The interesting part was that the entire moment of fun stopped suddenly when the boss walked in and we all went back to our desks to stare at our computers.  So, either he was projecting onto me the day we sat down and talked because we talk about him behind his back or the XO read my evaluation and told him to change it.  The reason I suspect the XO is because I have spoken with every member of this office about the discussion I had with my boss.  Everyone gives me a weird look and tells me that he is crazy, they do not have an issue with me, and they know when I am kidding around.  Everyone finds me very professional when I need to be professional.  I also think it is the XO because my boss initially gave me a superb evaluation prior to changing it and sending it to the COL. 

This is what I am dealing with:
1.       My boss leaves the office for a week to go on Battlefield circulation.  Prior to his departure, he sends out an e-mail notifying the unit that while he is away CPT’s (insert new CPT’s name and myself here) are in charge of the office.  He also sets up the auto-reply for his Outlook email that also states we are in charge in his absence.  The boss walked me through the XO huddle meeting notes for an upcoming meeting with the XO detailing what he wants me to address at this meeting and giving me updates on topics that the XO will bring up.  My boss also informs me that I am to host his weekly Thursday meeting with the staff to include the XO.  He sends me the slides for the meeting to review and polish then leaves on his trip.  Upon his return, he informs me that while he was away, I was in fact NOT in charge and that ultimately the new CPT was in charge.  (I spoke with the new CPT, he was not comfortable being put in charge because he just arrived to the section and asked if I would take the driver’s seat on this being in charge thing)

2.       The boss tells me that I need to step it up and be more visible, so I volunteer to take charge of the upcoming Commander’s Conference, I rock at his Thursday meeting, and project confidence at the XO huddle.  He tells me that I have yet to step it up.

3.       The boss told me I was unprofessional in our office huddle when I clapped for the new CPT being put in charge while the boss was gone.  He told me I needed to step it up and assist instead of applaud the shift of responsibility off myself (the new CPT knew I was going to help him and not leave him hanging; it isn’t in my personality to watch someone fail).

4.       He tells me everyone in the office complains about me but only gives me two examples of his perceptions, not actual complaints from anyone.  I have spoken with every member of this office and no one has any issues.  They are actually appalled at the boss’s comments.

5.       He tells me that I have sent out ONE unprofessional e-mail.  The e-mail went out about a month ago and the only part of this e-mail that was deemed unprofessional was the header which said, “Dearest DRUs Located on KAF,” furthermore, he never told me he thought it was unprofessional.

6.       He says I am too bubbly when I say good morning and it is perceived as insincere.  Again, another perception issue.

7.       He tells me to be a team player but chides me for not taking responsibility on group projects.  I have also offered to assist in everything he is working on only for him to tell me, “No, I got it.”

8.       He tells me that I need professional counseling.  The last time I was informed I needed professional help, I sought professional therapy and the psychiatrist told me I was wasting his time and that the person who told me I needed professional help was probably the person that needed it.  (Oddly, this was true at the time, so I am inclined to believe it now)
All this is coming from a man who just hosted a party with the sole intent of making fun of people.  A man who is constantly putting down fellow co-workers, and stating he is the only person that works around here.  He admittedly cussed out a British Soldier in a dining facility for no real reason.  He spends time in his office making road warrior gear for the zombie apocalypse.  He searches the internet to post pictures around the office making fun of co-workers.  He spends a lot of his time on the internet and yet becomes angry when he sees me checking my personal e-mail.  I can go on for pages, but I will stop here.
I am still investigating this to see if it is personal, sexist, or influenced by the XO and am open to opinions.
Speaking of investigating, my investigation is closing quickly.  The only person involved that has supplied a statement is the Soldier I work with here in Afghanistan.  With that being the only evidence I have, this report will be short and sweet.
I have refrained from drinking coffee for the past three days.  I am trying to cut back on the amount of caffeine I intake on a daily basis.  I have already completely cut out soda and lent has me passing on snacking, therefore my sugar intake is down as well.  As everyone tends to replace one bad habit for another, I have taken to drinking tea in the morning now.  I think I just like drinking something warm in the morning, especially after my cold walk to work.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad you can't tell him off! I'm glad you took the time to realize that he is the problem and not you. People like that are hard to deal with. Good for you on cutting back on caffeine/sugar...they aren't so great for you. Hooray for tea!
