Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everybody!  I found my Easter Basket!!  Thank you Aunt Carol for thinking of me on this wonderful Easter holiday!  This holiday reminds me of the time I ate my entire Easter basket in one day and woke up around two in the morning puking chocolate into my hair and onto the hallway floor.  It stank so bad that Dad had to cut a square out of the carpet where I had vomited.  That patch of carpet is still missing serving as a constant reminder of what too much chocolate can do to a person.  For Lent, I gave up snacking.  Not only did I lose eight pounds and realize just how much I snacked, but I think I also picked up a healthy habit.  This morning as I sit here, allowed to snack once again, I find that I have no urge to snack.  I’ll give it a week and let you know how long it lasted.

This Easter season has successfully shown me what a bad Catholic I have been all my life.  I have learned that Jesus was captured during the feast of Passover, tried over night, and crucified the next day.  I originally thought all this happened over the course of a week at least and had no idea multiple religious remembrances were occurring.  How were my eyes so closed?  I have been a Catholic my entire life and yet, here I am in Afghanistan feeling like I have been clueless, like a light bulb suddenly turned on in my dusty attic of a brain.  What were they teaching us all those years in religion classes? 
I am also learning to put away my anger with people.  Instead of becoming angry and confrontational, I pray for them.  I pray that their ignorant eyes are opened.  I pray that whatever made them the way they are today can be forgiven in their hearts and allow them to live a fuller life full of peace, trust, and acceptance.  I pray for the strength to swallow my anger and turn the other cheek, the patience to accept them for who they are, and the wisdom to pray for exactly what they require to heal their souls. 

1 comment:

  1. "What were they teaching us all those years in religion classes?"

    You know, I've recently wondered that, myself. I figured I just really hadn't been paying attention, but to hear you comment makes me wonder: Were we both not paying attention *that* badly, or...what?

    Of course, my most distinct memories from religion classes in high school include something about practicing my violin from Mrs. C's Catholic religion class version of sex ed and Mrs. R kicking me out of class when I asked her to explain the trinity. It was a serious question and I honestly was interested in the answer, but she didn't have one and I was more known for being a troublemaker in class, so I was booted from the room. Yeah, more than anything what I recall is that, where religion was concerned, as Catholics we were taught not to ask questions.

    Proud of you for your growth. Praying for their peace will bring YOU more peace. {{Hugs}}
