Friday, October 26, 2012

Attack of the Monster Cockroach

I realize there was a question posted "How do I figure out what to do with my life?" however, I feel I need to do some research on the question to find the best answer, and I had the darndest thing happen to me today.

Some background on the building in which I is completely made of plywood.  I'm not joking. I spoke with the engineer that is with my unit.  According to him, this structure was built when this location was initially developed (12 years ago).  Buildings like the one we are working out of were originally constructed as temporary facilities to accommodate the rapid growth of the base until a more permanent structure was built.  This building was only supposed to be in existance for five years at a maximum.  Ok, I think I have made my point in that we work in a crappy building.

As you can assume, it is hard to keep out pests when your building is made out of plywood. I wish I had a picture to post, because I doubt anyone can really wrap their minds around the fact that the walls surrounding me are plywood and nothing else. I'm not kidding, walls, floor, ceiling, even my desk is made completely of plywood.  Please, no one strike a match if you come to visit!

As I am starting my shift, I like to enjoy a cup of pumpkin coffee sent to me from someone special ;)
As we all know, coffee tends to go right through you, so about an hour after I have enjoyed my delicious beverage, I look around the office to make sure there is someone there to cover the phones.  My boss was working late today and my partner-in-crime was dutifully at his desk, so I took the opportunity to relieve my poor little bladder.  (Why do all my stories thus far have to do with me using the restroom?)  

I exit the office, make a sharp left (almost like a u-turn) followed by a sharp right and continue towards the conference room in which you must pass through to get to the facilities (unless you want to take the long way around the building).  I notice the conference room has been rearranged to where it is no longer easy to just walk right through.  Now, instead of walking straight through, you must navigate around three long tables, squeeze against a plywood wall, and walk back down the row of tables.  Then you can exit out the other side to the hallway with the water closets.  

Blocking my way out of the conference room was the biggest cockroach I have ever seen!  It was the size of my fist! This is no exaggeration, I have small fists and this cockroach was HUGE!  I froze instantly.  I no longer had to use the lavatory.  I fought the urge to scream like a little girl and navigated my way over the conference room tables telling myself I was a Soldier, there was no need to panic.

I calmly walked back to my partner's desk and politely asked him to do me a favor.  This guy is not small -- 6', 220lbs Mexican -- he went out to investigate, spots the bug and instead of removing the monster, he starts making jokes, stating that they don't even have cockroaches that big in Mexico.  Meanwhile, the creature, no doubt becoming offended by his jokes, is walking towards him!  I take on the cheerleader role and start to beg him to just take care of it.  Around the corner comes our First Sergeant who just nonchalantly walks up to my partner and, stepping on the pest in his path, asks, "What's the matter?" 

I started to laugh as the First Sergeant walked away, again stepping on what was once an obstacle.  It left quite a large splatter, but no worries, I made my partner clean it up since he wanted to make jokes and not do what he was asked.

No worries, tomorrow I will have the perfect answer to the question,  "How do I figure out what to do with my life?" And if my answer isn't all that fantastic, I have all of you to help me get it right!


  1. I'm sorry that Cockroach story was hilarious! And don't you guys carry guns? you could have shot it! I think that would be a justifible use of a firearm!

  2. Haha! Carolyn, I like your thinking. :)
    Meanwhile, Mama Turtle, you know I can't help but notice a slight similarity here to the incident with the Giant Hairy Beast That Nearly Ate Me Alive on Jekyll.
